11th & 12th March 2025 in Hamburg

Felix Herkenrath

Felix Herkenrath

Felix Herkenrath

Hamburger Morgenpost

As COO of the Hamburger Morgenpost, Felix Herkenrath manages and is responsible for the digital marketing activities of the Hamburger Morgenpost. The self-service tool "Mopo Werbelokal", which Herkenrath launched as the initiator and is now expanding with the publisher's colleagues, is a central component in the marketing of the MOPO. Felix Herkenrath's previous stations include publishers such as Axel Springer, Hubert Burda Media and the Red Bull Media House.

Represented in the following tracks at the d3con:

  • 2024 STAGE II: Publisher Summit

Felix Herkenrath and many more register for the d3con now!